altar call songs, praise and worship music, communion songs, worship music

All New Altar Call Songs for Worshipping Churches!!!

One of the most exciting times and events that takes place in the Church is when the altar call is made and the people respond to that call!

When the worship music goes "beyond the veil" and brings the Church into the Holy of Holies ... THAT is what Church is all about! This is when the people meet Jesus "up close and personal" and He meets their every needs! It is what many of us in ministry "live" for! "Oh, taste and see ... the LORD is Good!!"

The songs on this web site are all new original altar call songs, communion songs, worship songs and some really incredible praise and worship music as well! You are invited to listen to them for free and them decide for yourself if they are "right" for what the Spirit is doing in the midst of your own Congregation.

You can also read some of the comments that others have offered about these anointed songs as well.

For Example:

I spent some time at your website listening to various songs. They have the beauty of simplicity that made the message easy to receive. Your words are heart felt. Anyone who has experienced God's love and presence in their daily walk of life would connect. At least I did. Obviously Spirit insired. I really liked "Meet Me At The Cross"-and many others.You offer a diversity of song style that manages to bring together "all of us" as One, honoring God's unique creation of each of his children and our different learning styles. I assume there is a CD available? I would be interested in purchasing one. Let me know how that works.I listen to music all day at work-what a wonderful way to worship and enjoy the day. Blessings! Janet


Thanx for the encouragement. I listened to a couple of your songs, and I really like the words to them. I like what you said about the idea of singing to God instead of about Him. There's a difference, you feel as if you are touching God's heart more. Neat.

So ... if you are looking for new Altar Call Songs - Communion Songs - Praise and Worship Music - Contemporary Christian Music - and just plain ol' fashioned "Rock-That-Doesn't-Roll" Jesus Songs .... you have found it!

Check out the tunes and then drop us a line and let us know what you think, OK?


Altar Call Songs
"Be Thou exalted, O God, above the heavens, let Thy Glory be above all the earth." Psalms 57:11
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